

KBS, the reputable source
of trust and creative media


Through various media, KBS strives to become a window through which international audiences experience joy and emotion

  • KBS
  • Terrestrial TV
  • International
  • Radio
  • Cable
  • DMB
Terrestrial TV Channel
  • KBS 1TVNational channel focused on News·Education·Documentary
  • KBS 2TVCulture · Entertainment channel enjoyed by the entire family
International Channel
  • KBS WORLD TVInternational satellite channel that targets a worldwide audience
  • KBS WORLD RadioKorea’s only multi-language international channel
Radio Channel
  • 1RadioNews and current affairs channel
  • 해피FMa channel that focuses on popular music.
  • 3Radioa public service channel for social integration of socially disadvantaged groups
  • 클래식FMKorea’s only classical music channel
  • 쿨FMRepresentative music entertainment channel
  • 한민족방송Hanminjok network channel specializing in North Korea
Cable Channel
  • KBS 드라마Drama specialty channel
  • KBS JOYEntertainment channel
  • KBS N SPORTSKorea’s representative sports channel
  • KBS STORYA special service that focuses on issues of women
  • KBS N LIFEBiography·History·Documentaries·Culture
  • KBS KIDSChildren’s edutainment channel
DMB Channel
  • KBS ★DMB channel based on KBS1TV
  • KBS ♥Family culture DMB channel based on KBS2TV
  • KBS ♬The only terrestrial network DMB audio channel specializing in music
  • KBS ♣Two-way data channel

Focal news for Koreans

Terrestrial and national network KBS has the duty to report reliable information to the people.
Especially in this multi-media, multi-channel era and its vastness of information, KBS will only provide unbiased, objective truth and produce accurate, impartial news programs.

01 To provide
accurate news
that builds trust

We are committed to impartial news that serves to enhance social inclusion.

KBS News is dedicated to maintaining its reputation as a reliable source of accurate and impartial news. We believe it is important to respect the right of citizens to be informed. We also recognize the value of journalism for social inclusion and conflict resolution. To improve the accuracy and fairness of our reporting, we have implemented a multi-level desk structure and a cross-checking system between departments. We also work with relevant experts to provide comprehensive analysis and engage with viewers by incorporating their input into our news production.

02 To bring
an outstanding
digital news

We are proud to offer a user-friendly digital news service.

In response to the ever-changing digital media landscape,
KBS is pleased to offer news on a variety of platforms, including websites,
mobile apps and social media, to provide convenient access to KBS News anytime, anywhere.
While producing news in various formats to meet the needs of our users,
we are prioritizing the expansion of public interest digital content.
We will continue to maximize the reach of our digital news while striving
to become a trusted source of digital media.

03 Main broadcaster
for crisis reports

The frontline of national safety, broadcaster of
disasters and crises

As a dedicated disaster and crisis broadcaster by the Basic Act for the Development of Broadcasting and Communications, KBS does its utmost to provide safety for the people of Korea in the midst of disasters or crises

  • To publish and distribute the <KBS Emergency Reporting Guidelines> and the <KBS Emergency Broadcasting Manual>
  • To operate the only studio in Korea dedicated exclusively to emergency broadcasting
  • To provide emergency information on TV, radio, OTT and the Internet through the KBS Emergency Information Platform
  • Artificial Intelligence is used to deliver swift responses to unforeseen disasters like earthquakes.
  • To enable efficient training sessions and exercises with a structured approach.

Raising the bar of Korean dramas through content with depth

KBS drama comprises a line up that is only possible through public broadcasting.
We are building on this foundation by making bold investments and attempting challenging productions suitable for public audiences and worthy of public appeal.

  • The power of killer content
    KBS mini-series

    KBS mini-series boast a wide-range of topics and high production value, providing bountiful entertainment for viewers

  • A living history textbook
    Epic historical drama

    KBS epic dramas cover periods from ancient Korean history to modern and contemporary history, shedding new light on historical events and also suggesting new visions for the future

  • The powerhouse of the traditional weekend evenings
    Weekend primetime dramas

    Amid a sea of controversial dramas, KBS weekend primetime dramas provide a breath of calm with family-oriented subject matter that the entire family can watch and enjoy together.

  • A medium of communication for the
    generation gap

    Daily soap opera

    Thinking about the meaning of family and closing the generation gap is the KBS daily soap opera, the home drama that brings out the full array of emotions in viewers.

  • A sphere of variety and experimentation
    One-act plays and TV Cinemas

    One– act plays and TV Cinemas have been like an incubator for competent rookie directors, writers, and actors. They receive praise from viewers for being original and making new attempts.


Funny and moving entertainment shows with competitive edge

KBS entertainment and variety show programs have been loved by viewers for decades.
We are always trying new things to provide laughs and satisfy the ever-changing demands of viewers.

01 Hot entertainment

KBS’ captivating entertainment programs are the reason behind audiences enjoying an exciting weekend. KBS offers shows like Immortal Songs, where classic songs are reinterpreted along with the audience. KBS also has Two Days and One Night, a Korean Sunday evening favorite for the past 15 years.

02 Music shows

KBS Music shows are still beloved by the viewers.

03 Global

Global entertainment, at the forefront of the global Korean Wave

KBS’ flagship entertainment program, Music Bank, plays a pivotal role in promoting the Korean Wave. It features K-Pop shows for audiences at home and worldwide. Such performances include Music Bank in Belgium in 2024.

04 Reality entertainment

National sporting events with KBS

KBS has used stand-out planning to provide the Olympics, World Cup, historic sporting events, and other high-quality sporting broadcasts for viewers.

  • Broadcaster of grand sporting events including Olympics, World Cup, Asian Games, etc.
  • Broadcaster of the Korean National Sports Festival
  • Broadcaster of professional sports leagues (baseball, soccer, basketball, volleyball)
  • Broadcaster of various lesser-known sporting events promoting balanced growth
Current affairs
and culture

Current affairs and education programs that reflect continuous curiosity about humans, environment, and culture

KBS shows its commitment to public broadcasting by offering distinctive current affairs programs that adhere to ‘universal’ values.

KBS Current affairs/culture six subcomponents Health/Lifestyle information, Travel culture, Kids, Current affairs, Knowledge/Documentary, Humanity

KBS' flagship current affairs and culture programs


Radio programs with class

KBS radio consists of educational programs with class and entertaining popular programs that promote social integration and make people happy. KBS radio also provides programming and services for socially marginalized populations, North Koreans, and overseas Koreans.

KBS major radio programs by channel

  • a comprehensive channel offering news, current affairs, information, and education 1Radio
    The main channel for trustworthy educational programs with public appeal and reports on natural disasters and crises that faithfully carries out its duty as a public radio network.
  • a channel that plays popular music 2Radio
    Radio 2 is the combined channel of popular music for listeners in their 40s to 60s. Programs are entertaining and have high-quality educational value.
  • the only national classical music station in Korea 1FM
    1FM (Classic FM) is the leading channel for classical and traditional music.
  • an entertainment channel that primarily focuses on music 2FM
    The main music and entertainment channel. 2FM (Cool FM) is dedicated to listeners in their 20s and 30s and young female listeners.
  • a public service channel created for individuals who have disabilities or are socially disadvantaged 3Radio
    A channel for the 4.5 million disabled persons and socially marginalized of Korea, providing various information and services. Korea’s only radio channel dedicated to social welfare.
  • a channel devoted to promoting the unity of Koreans worldwide Hanminjok
    A channel with increasing influence specializing in North Korea, unification, and the Hanminjok network. Accessible from anywhere in the world.